Clean Air Advocacy Ireland
About Us
Clean Air Advocacy Ireland (CAAI) is a community of parents, healthcare workers, teachers, students and individuals who care about improving indoor air quality to protect community health and to improve student and patient wellbeing in educational and healthcare settings.
We aim to make essential indoor spaces like creches, schools and hospitals accessible and safe for everyone by advocating for improved indoor air quality.
While we would welcome improvements to indoor air quality in all public buildings, our initial focus is currently on educational and healthcare settings. This is because the most vulnerable in our society, namely children and immunocompromised people, have no choice but to access education, often in overcrowded, unventilated indoor settings or to access healthcare in overcrowded, unventilated medical facilities.
However a lot of the work we are and will be doing will be applicable to workplaces in general. So even if you don’t work in healthcare, childcare or education, sign up for our newsletter and follow us on social media for news and information on how you can clean the air in your workplace.