Clean Air Advocacy Ireland
Who we are
Clean Air Advocacy Ireland (CAAI) is a community of parents, healthcare workers, teachers, students and individuals who care about improving indoor air quality to protect community health and to improve student and patient wellbeing in educational and healthcare settings.
What we want
We want to improve the health and wellbeing of everyone in the community by promoting the use of ventilation and air purification technologies in our indoor spaces.
We want to see the Health and Safety Authority’s Protocol on Indoor Air Quality to be implemented and enforced in all indoor settings, beginning with educational and healthcare settings.
We want a public health campaign to explain the importance of good indoor air quality to the public and to demonstrate how improving indoor air quality can be achieved.
We want to empower students, teachers, carers, patients and healthcare workers alike, to demand clean, healthy indoor air quality.
Clean Air in Healthcare
We believe everyone who is seeking healthcare deserves to be treated in a healthy environment, whether that is in a hospital, GP’s, a dentist surgery or any form of clinic, and not to risk illness whilst seeking healthcare
Clean Air in Schools
The benefits of clean air in schools are countless - from reduced absences, reduced illnesses spread into the community, less need for substitute teachers, increased attention and concentration, and much more
Clean Air in Workplaces
If you’re sick of being sick or you’re an employer and you’re constantly short-staffed due to illness, the best thing you can do for yourself, your employees and your business is to clean the air in your workplace